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Semionix Associative Memory Analysis

Associative Memory (AM)

causes Us/Them dichotomies by driving different unconscious response. This causes attitudes, thoughts, and meanings to differ between groups. AM also determines consumer response to your brands & advertising. Daniel Kahneman (Thinking, Fast and Slow) explains that an associative response “happens quickly and all at once, yielding a self-reinforcing pattern of cognitive, emotional, and physical response.”

Unique Insights

come from SAMA's patented, data-driven analtyics. These associative memory insights will help your employees better understand each other. SAMA highlights how different Associative Memory reponses result in a diversity of attitudes, thougts, and meanings between groups. When analyzing consumers, they will help you optimize brand & advertising decisions. Our technology has been proven by the world's largest and most sophisticated consumer product companies.

Meaningful Inputs

come from our data capture process in which respondents record their thoughts & emotions by creating an expression using words & images. The expression build data reveal associative response patterns (and enable cool expression build playbacks). The expressions, by themselves, provide simple, heartfelt thoughts & feelings that complement our response maps.

A SAMA survey is available here
(link opens in a new tab/window)

A survey about Honesty created this playback
(link opens in a new tab/window)

Our Diversity Model

Effective, scalable diversity awareness originating from those in your organization. Semionix will work directly with your Diversity and/or HR teams to ensure project setup and execution deliver insights that are most relevant to your needs.
Information & a perception sharing result available here.

Research: Better. Faster. Cheaper.

You get to pick all three without compromise. SAMA projects are easy to setup, can be completed within a day's time, and are inexpensive. Results are engaging and intuitive.

Our Agency Model

gives advertising and branding agencies control of the client relationship. SAMA becomes a unique service the agency manages and applies. Semionix stays in the background.

More Info

A video providing an overview of our tech analyzing a project analyzing gender perceptions about Honesty is available here
(link opens in a new Vimeo tab/window)

An overview of SAMA is available here
(link opens in a new tab/window)